
Claw game
Claw game

claw game

Gold, as you might expect, adds to your point total during the game and how much your score goes up depends on the type of treasure you receive. The main item you'll pick up, either floating in mid-air or dropped when you slay some enemy is gold.


Of course, true to side-scroller style, there are objects to be picked up throughout the game, plus warps to secret levels. Plus, each character is drawn with such detail that you could just watch them for a couple of minutes and be entertained by it. The maps contain that cartoon depth, with some of the background extending forward to conceal areas of the map. Imagine playing a cool 3D cartoon and you've come fairly close to what Claw is like. Each character and background looks as though it was "painted" onto the screen. One thing I really noticed about Claw was how fluid the animation is throughout the game. These cutscenes are professionally animated movies when it comes right down to it and their depth rivals some Disney movies I've seen. As you reach certain points in the game, you'll see animated cutscenes which relate more of the storyline to you. Once slaying him, which is no easy feat, you escape to the Footpath and then The Dark Woods. As an example, once you escape from La Roca prison, you fight your way through the Battlements to a showdown with your captor. Each level is unique and draws you far deeper into the story than you would ever expect a side-scroller to accomplish, but Claw does so easily. So how big is huge? Well, the first three levels will probably take you twenty minutes each, but once you hit level four, The Dark Woods, expect to spend at least an hour or more. The game begins as you attempt escape from your Spanish prison and your search for the gems that power the Nine Lives Amulet, which is reputed to grant immortality to the owner.Ĭlaw is filled with 14 huge levels to play through, with each level progressing you further towards escape and the Nine Lives Amulet. The King, tired of your exploits, has put a rich bounty on your head of one million gold pieces, dead or alive. Claw, a feline pirate of the seven seas, infamous to all. Your role in this monumental adventure is that of Captain Nathaniel J. However, instead of playing a human, cyborg, or mushroom like in other popular side-scrolling adventures, you get to play a part in one of the classic rivalries - cats against dogs!

claw game

"Based roughly during the 15th century, Claw takes us to an almost parallel earth where the known world is ruled by the Cocker Spaniard Kingdom. The Adrenaline Vault's detailed review explains why action fans should take a look: Claw is a fun but little-known side-scrolling 2D platformer game from Monolith.

Claw game